How to ease them?
COVID-19 pandemic has given some of us no choice but to Work From Home (WFH) and thus force us to juggle work, keeping the family members healthy, home learning & house chores. Some of us has been cut from the support system that we need. These created a lot of stress, exhaustion and less time to perform self-care, which leads to burnout.
How can you ease yourself from these states of being stressed and burnout?
Identify. Burnout is caused by an imbalance between your demands (aspects of your day that take consistent effort and energy) and resources (aspects of your day that are motivational and energy-giving), with your demands consistently outweighing your resources. Create time for yourself. Do things that you like so you can fill the empty cup.
Be mindful of your thoughts. Are they true? Is there any cognitive distortions? Challenge your thoughts and select which thoughts are helpful or harmful for your everyday living. Thoughts, feelings and how you act are associated to each other. Alter one, and you can improve the others.
Practice self-compassion. Are you being too hard on yourself? Have you been focusing on what you’ve done wrong and what you could have done rather than remembering what you’ve done good and give yourself a pat on your back? There is no such thing as perfect parents. Every family has different values and comparing won’t do you any good. Believe in yourself and your family. Good enough is actually enough! Don’t let set backs let you down.
Explore new coping strategies. Make sure it is realistic and still meeting a needed health protocol. Get a bit of fresh air before Zoom meeting, dance to the music with your family at home, or do an online game via Zoom Playdate. You can be creative and explore what works best for you and your family.
We all know that we need each other more than ever during this hard times. Let’s encourage each other and share resources to help us keep going through this situation where we have less control on how to end it.