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Toxic Childhood

Is it too late to heal?

“I WANT MY CHILDHOOD BACK!” “I OVERREACTED TO MY CHILD AGAIN” “IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF ME.” Do these self talks sound familiar to you? Perhaps, they have been on repeat on your mind? These thoughts may be the by product of the toxic childhood you had. Whether you have been the unloved daughter/son to your mother/father or the never good enough daughter/son, you experience strong and unpleasant feelings that you might have been avoiding or suppressing.

You can heal from this so called toxic childhood trauma, even now. Even though you might not be able to follow all these steps, remember to be merciful to yourself and allow time to take you to this healing process and journey.

  1. Learn your family dynamics. Is your family too close to each other or too distanced? What is your position in your family? Family attachment and relationship will give you a vision on how this toxic childhood was created and how they have impacted your self identity.

  2. Know and keep in touch with your inner child. Nurture him/her. Give the love she/he deserved. Come face to face with that inner child, accept and work with him/her.

  3. Be emotionally intelligent. Start keeping in touch with your feelings, name them, regulate them. Have ownership of those feelings and rationalise them. Challenge those distorted thoughts that you have about self. Be aware of the triggers that raise those feelings.

  4. Set your goal. What kind of person you want to be. Find peace within self. Recreate a safe haven for the inner child. Empower self and create a support system.

  5. Forgive yourself, your mother/father/ or anyone who was involved in the toxic childhood. Love yourself and set the safe boundaries to create a relationship that is comfortable for you.


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